Friday, February 16, 2007


Onions make me cry. There I admitted it! If there’s one thing that can consistently make me cry, it’s onions!!! Not the taste, the flavor is quite delicious. Even the texture isn’t bad when cooked properly. The problem with onions, is the odor while cutting and cooking that irritates your eyes. Even if you have nothing to cry about, you will inadvertently cry, or at least tear up. If it’s never happened to you, don’t bother reading any further.

When I worked at Subway, I found that many of the customers seemed quite concerned with my well being when they came into the store and found me crying. I also found that many of them had some INSANE ideas for how to keep the odor from bothering me.

One suggested sucking on an ice cube. Tried that didn’t work! Although standing in the freezer did temporarily lessen the pain in my eyes. It’s a little cold however when you’re in shorts and a short sleeve shirt. Even if you are wearing your apron like a cape.

Another suggestion was to hold a piece of bread in my mouth to absorb the odor before it got into my system. With that, I just ended up mouthing a soggy piece of bread. No good!

The oddest suggestion was to cut off the end of the onion first, and tie it to the top of my head. I have no idea was that was even supposed to do. I would call that a REALLY OLD WIVES TALE!!!! No, I didn’t try that one. It was just too cooky!

But!!!!! I found one that works!!!!! The props for this one goes to my little brothers. I don’t know where they heard it, but they said if you chew a piece of gum while cutting an onion, it won’t bother your eyes. I tried it with a fresh piece of Polar Ice (my fav), and it worked amazingly!!! My eyes started to burn a little toward the end, but never actually watered. And I realized that when they did start to burn, I wasn’t chewing. Chewing really, really, really worked for me!

Okay, now a totally unrelated Random Fact!!!! *Benjamin Franklin wasn’t asked to write the Declaration of Independence because his peers were afraid he would hide a joke in it.*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tied an onion on your head?!?!?!?! Wow... that's way tooooooo weird!!! Luckily you found a new, effective way in handling those onions!!! All the best!!!

1:53 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

haha onions, I have seen some pretty funny things around my own house watching people try to stop the tearing. candles, scuba goggles, it can be fun to watch from a distance

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VERY FUNNY post, Christa! :):):)

3:27 PM  

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