Tuesday, September 06, 2011

To the writers:

I love twitter. It's my favorite social network. I like that it's concise. It annoys me when people use twitlonger and TMI. I love seeing what people retweet and I love following writers/bloggers. You Wordy Creatives are such lovely people. It seems most people my age are knee deep in relationship blogs. It's cute, they're fun to read. I can sum them all up for you. "Be fully you, In Christ." Simple idea...way hard to actually put into practice. (You'll probably notice my complete lack of editing and paragraphing skills, but I really don't care...I'm not a writer, I'm a musician.) Sometimes they crack me up. Especially when I'm reading some friend's relationship blog talking about the differences between men and women and I think "What the heck? I'm a dude?"! All joking aside, I'm often impressed while reading at the writer's ability to just wear their heart right on the page. Their use of words to describe an event, a feeling, a subtle joke. Perfect. Thank you writers. You often make my day.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Stretching Strings

One of my side jobs/hobbies is piano tuning and repair. This means that my piano is out of tune (it's so close...I'll do it later...and later...and later...), and I have a piano in my garage that needs repairing(I just don't want to spend the money on replacement parts). It also means I go to complete strangers houses and tune their pianos.

Tuning a stranger's piano is always interesting. No matter what questions you ask over the phone, you never really know what you're getting yourself into.

First task is attempting to find the house. I always used mapquest.com or GoogleMaps at home before I leave. I also have a GPS on my phone. The GPS is wonderful...as long as I have coverage. Most people that I tune for live out in the country. No Phone Service, No GPS. Today I found my client's house pretty easily. Knocked on the door and waited...and waited...and waited. Just when I was about ready to leave I heard someone walking down the stairs.

Once inside, small talk is required so the client feels comfortable leaving you alone in a room. Having people around is fine, the noise doesn't bother me. I just make faces while I'm listening that sometimes is disconcerting to other people. :-)

Then you finally get on to the piano! Today a Kimball Spinet, Inspection Signature 1964. Main complaint: Out of tune & has a "Tinny" sound.
On inspection...yes, both of those complaints are correct. The Interior of the piano was in great condition. The Piano just hadn't been tuned in a very very very long time.

Now, in my estimation, Spinets are harder to tune than Uprights. I feel like Uprights have more play in the strings. Spinets tend to have sensitive strings. Once I sat down to start tuning this piano was nearly a full step low! That's 2 Half Steps(keys on the piano)! I started my tuning and quickly realized if I tried to bring it all the way up to pitch that some of the strings would break. Not good. I talked to the owner and we decided that I would tune it to 1/2 step low. Much closer. In 6 months, I'll go back and try to restore it up to normal pitch (A 440).

A Simple tuning reduced the "Tinny" sound immensely. The "Tinniness" happens when not all of the strings are in unison. Most notes have 2 to 3 strings, and if they aren't all on the same pitch, you will get a "Tinny" sound.

This piano is a very bright piano. Probably one of the brightest I've tuned. It's kind of cool that each piano is so different. After I was finished, I tested the piano by playing various samples of classical music, some improv, Scales, chords, arpeggios, whatever I could think of. I called the owner down to let her know I was done. Her son came and played the piano.
"Wow! That sounds so much better!"

Always nice to hear that! Another happy customer!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time To Face The Music

I've let this blog sit dormant for well over a year. Partly because I'm lazy when it comes to writing, partly because I didn't feel I had anything important or entertaining to say. Perhaps I still don't, but I'm going to write anyway.

I've reached that point in life where it seems everything is hitting you head on. Life isn't softened for the child anymore. You're expected to live it. Live the good, and live the bad. Live the joy, live the pain. Let's face it, sometimes life just sucks. I've wanted to turn this blog back to the music. Music heals. Music, a few simple sounds can pull deep emotion from within you. Whether it be linked to a memory or something your hearing for the first time. Music affects you.

This song has always been a favorite, even before I saw Casablanca. You can't stop time. Love the people in your life. Get up and live your life, life doesn't stop for anyone.

"This day and age we're living in gives cause for apprehension.
With speed and new invention, and things like 3rd dimension.
Yet we get a trifle weary, with Mr. Einstein's theory.
So we must get down to Earth at times
Relax relieve the tension.
No matter what the progress, or what may yet be proved.
The simple facts of life are such they cannot be removed.

You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss.
A sigh is still a sigh. The fundamental things apply...as time goes by.

When two lovers woo, they still say "I love you,"
On that you can rely. No matter what the future brings...as time goes by.

Moonlight and love songs, never out of date.
Hearts full of passion, jealousy and hate.
Woman needs man and man must have his mate.
That no one can deny.

It's still the same old story,
A fight for love and glory,
A case of do or die.
The world will always welcome lovers...
As time goes by"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh Poo!

Yes, that's right. This post is about poo. Why? I've had a very close encounter today with poo. And before you get grossed out or something...Every living thing poos! So there. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's normal.

This post is more specifically about dog poo. I was asleep in my room this morning, aware it was morning but still semi-unconscious. I heard a knock on the door. Never a good sign. I shouted, or rather whined, "Come in." My 14 year old brother came in with a terrified look on his face and said, "Toby pooed a really big cow pie right in front of the tv!" Now Toby is our Yellow Lab puppy. He's 9 months old and about 65 lbs. Reallly more of a giant than a puppy.

I knew my 18 year old brother was sleeping on the couch in the tv room because my grandparents are staying in his room. So my first thought was "Why couldn't you wake up Jared???"

My next, "I thought Jared let him out last night."

Then, "Wait a minute! Where's Mom?" Everybody knows when a mess is made by a pet that is not owned by a single person but the family as a whole...mom decides who has to do the clean up.

So I asked "Where's mom?" And I got my answer..."She already left for town with Gran & Papa." Tim is sitting at my desk looking completely freaked out by this time. Gagging, everytime he walks to the edge of my door. So I finally sigh, resigned to my duty, and say, "Okay, I'll be right there to clean it up..."

"Hey Tim, Solid or Liquid?" "Both..." "Oh that can't be good!"

I stumbled to my door and glanced quickly around the tv room. There it was, my nemesis. Sitting like a giant Cow Pie right in front of the tv. Jared was still asleep, I don't know how, right in the middle of the room. I purposely woke him up with my loud phone call to mom for instructions on which cleaners to use. Why wake him? I didn't want to deal with this disgusting mess alone. He stirred and covered his head.

Now the weak of stomach might want to turn away for a moment. This was not your normal dog poo. This looks like our poor boy had some tummy trouble. Mostly runny with a few chunks. Sorry about that. I grabbed the dust pan, and a trowel and began the task of scooping up the pile. Once it was all on the dust pan I had a little fun pretending I was going to drop it on the boys, because let's face it, there's nothing more fun than watching boys scream like little girls.

So got that outside and washed away. Back to the green stain. I started scrubbing with soap and water and it seemed to be working just great. Then I went over it again with some fabric cleaner scrubbing and scrubbing. Jared finally got up and grabbed the de-oderizer and started spraying it around the room. Through all of this I was able to keep my nose plugged, praise the Lord! That smell is one of the worst for gagging... Windows open. House airing out. Crisis Averted!

Or so I thought...

As I was typing this, I heard a scream. Tim again... "Christa!!!!! HE DID IT AGAIN!!!!!!"

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello...*echos heard through out* Ah the sad state of a forgotten blog. Like an instrument sitting in a closet. Longing to be played...

The other day I tuned an out of sorts piano. In my experience I've learned that no 2 pianos are the same. Each one is different. Each has a specific tone, and story from the owner. I learned from the owner, (a lovely 96 year old woman) that it was a gift from her husband who had passed away years ago. A gift of music even though he loathed the sound of a piano. We laughed as she told me a couple of stories, of going through all of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren trying to find someone with musical talent to carry on the music in the family. Finally, she told me, that she was so excited to find that 1 grandson has an interest in music. He is one of my students now.

It reminded me of how we each have our own individual passions, and made me think...okay, so what are you doing with these passions? Are you hoarding them? Are you sharing them? Are you using them for the glory of God? We've each been given passions and talents for different things. You may look at someone and be absolutely amazed at some ability they have, perhaps even be a little envious. But I guarantee that they are just as jealous of some other talent they've seen in someone else. Something that may come easy to you could be an incredible struggle for the person next to you. Praise the Lord for differences! Think how boring our society would be if we were all exactly the same! Develop your talents! Use them to benefit others! Be excited by your differences from other people! There is only 1 you.

Well...I think that's it for my contemplative blog of the year...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Long time no blog...

Wow! It's been a long time since I was on here. (now reread that with a Christopher Walken accent and you'll die laughing.)

I've got me some thinking to do before I put a new real post in here. Be on the look out!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Skallywags Beware!

Ahh! Pirates!!!! The swashbucklers in their fancy boots with their fancy hats and strange language are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 opened last night. My family went to the mid-night showing as that is always the most fun. It’s when all of the crazies come out dressed up in their pirate gear. We figure Johnny Depp could go to any movie theater in his Jack Sparrow costume and no one would notice it was him. We got to the theater 3 ½ hours early and were the second people in line. A few people cut in front before the show was open, but what can you do? We got terrific seats up in the center of the theater. We only had to kick one person out of a seat, as he jumped in front of half of the family.

The movie was good. Not as good as the first one in my humble opinion. But still loads of fun!!!!!! Old friends, and new faces always add an interesting element. Orlando Bloom looked soooooo much like a young Errol Flynn, the original swashbuckler, it was incredible. Keira Knightly gets to do some awesome fighting. Geoffrey Rush back in full Barbossa attire. Chow Yun-Fat is terrific. Monkeys with great acting… eyeballs will roll. Don’t worry, I’m not going to give any of the story away. Just be sure to stay for all of the credits because there is an extra scene at the end.

Shout a good ‘Arrrrrgh!’ for me when you go see it!!!!