Saturday, April 28, 2007


I am totally on brain-dead auto-pilot mode right now. AKA everyday life! LOL! Have you ever done that? Just start staring off into space, not really aware of what’s going on around you? Not asleep, but not really awake. It’s really not good if that happens during a baseball game!!! No, I wasn’t playing. I’m the scorekeeper. And one of the most trusted ones up at our local ball fields.

I know what you’re thinking, scorekeeping isn’t funny it’s just lines and dots! But, no! It’s oh soooooo much more! It can be down right hilarious when you know what you’re doing and the other people don’t! I have to say the best part of scorekeeping is when nobody can remember what just happened and they look to you. Or when they ask you the rule about something and you actually know the answer. You really get this power rush when you know you can tell the Umpire absolutely anything about the game, and he will take it as fact. Mwuahahahahah!!!!!!! No, I’m a stickler for the rules. I wouldn’t cheat, even to save my own team.

The ball field is really pretty fun. Not so much when you’ve been there for 12 hours, but not horrible. We’ve got a great snack shack!!! The funniest part is what people call you. I usually get ‘Bruce’s daughter’ ‘scorekeeper’ ‘Blondie’ ‘angel(don’t ask)’ ‘hey you’ ‘Girl’. Yeah, some of these people are really creative… A few people come close to my name and call me ‘Christy’ ‘Christina’ or ‘Christine’. Very few have been able to pronounce the very difficult name I call my own. Christa…CHRISTA…CHRISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Usually it’s the little kids that know my name. That’s because when my dad coaches, I am the person keeping the dugout in order. You wouldn’t believe how many kids see a chain link wall and think it’s for climbing on!

Well, that is some random insight into my life. Yup. Back to complete Auto-pilot.

*RANDOM FACT* Squirrels cannot contract or carry rabies, so play away!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got watch our church boys play baseball last Sunday. Most of the game I read a book, it was not a very interesting game. But we did get a few exciting moments, like when the pitcher got hit in the head with a ball.

9:21 PM  

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