Tuesday, September 06, 2011

To the writers:

I love twitter. It's my favorite social network. I like that it's concise. It annoys me when people use twitlonger and TMI. I love seeing what people retweet and I love following writers/bloggers. You Wordy Creatives are such lovely people. It seems most people my age are knee deep in relationship blogs. It's cute, they're fun to read. I can sum them all up for you. "Be fully you, In Christ." Simple idea...way hard to actually put into practice. (You'll probably notice my complete lack of editing and paragraphing skills, but I really don't care...I'm not a writer, I'm a musician.) Sometimes they crack me up. Especially when I'm reading some friend's relationship blog talking about the differences between men and women and I think "What the heck? I'm a dude?"! All joking aside, I'm often impressed while reading at the writer's ability to just wear their heart right on the page. Their use of words to describe an event, a feeling, a subtle joke. Perfect. Thank you writers. You often make my day.


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